2009年8月21日 星期五

Evaluation of Roasted bean

Similar to most food ingredients, freshness and preparation are also crucial when evaluating roasted beans.

Preparation simply means the roasting of beans. Although the roasting is afar complex procedure and the taste can only be finalized when brewed,peeling roasted beans could give a rough guess.

Peeling, or breaking beans into half, reveals inner colouration of beans. As roasted beef, an even and leveled colouration shows that this coffee beans are carefully roasted with smooth heat. Hence, a sudden or great change of colour might mean over heating or strong blaze.

Freshenss of roasted beans coule be judeged by the scent. Although the scent of roasted beans are affected by the roasting methods, a clear, not strong, coffee small means the beans are still fresh. Also, when the beans small like peanut or is greasy, they have been contact with air or sun light for too long.

Peeling could also indicate the freshness of roasted beans. When roasted beans are moistened, which they shouldn't, are harder to peel.

