2009年8月19日 星期三

Coffee Bean Storage:Roasted beans

If cooking, like the saying in "Ratatouille", is like the fusion of music notes, delivering the pureness and uniqueness of each ingredient is important to perform a personal art. Freshness and preservation are crucial to reserve the pureness and uniqueness.

This blog focus only roasted bean storage. 3 conditions of coffee beans, Raw, Roasted, and grinded beans have different influencing factors of freshness and preserve methods, and storage period. Fortunate enough, I could not roast beans and own a grinding machine, raw and grinded beans are not in my consideration. So does water, another major ingredient, is not mentioned here. This blog is about the storage of roasted beans only.

4 influencing factors

The fundamental of coffee beans storage is to treat it as dried goods. The best way to preserve dried goods is to eliminate contact with outer environment, especially the four factors mentioned above because it affects the flavors most.

1. Light
Similar to most food storage, coffee beans should also be placed in shady areas because sunlight could alter the chemical composition of beans.

2. Temperature
The ideal storage temperature is between 18~25℃.

3. Humidity
Humidity, another controlled factors, affects storage because it might cause fungus.

4. Air
Mostly explained factors are Temperature, Light, and Humidity, but leaves Air out. Roasted beans constantly releases CO2 and takes in everything around, while CO2 preserves unique flavors of coffee beans.

