As long as there are people, there are comparisons, whether a person is taller or shorter, older or younger, richer or poorer. After that, the comparison between cities, countries, and races could not be avoided, including natural resources, historical cultures, or artificial structures. So does GDP, military, sports, etc. Of course, Science for All can be compared.
前文提到美國公家及私人機構,每幾年都會進行公民科學素養的調查,甚至還旁及其他國家。同時,美國成年人的科學素養雖不算出色,卻在 33 個參與的國家中仍排名第二,與北歐一些國家都位於前段班。對於這樣的結果,負責測試的米勒教授將其歸功於美國大學的通識教育。再者,美國約有一半的高中畢業生會唸大學,相對而言,日本則只有 20%。
Previous article mentions that in America, public and private organization would conduct survey in Science for All, which even include nearby countries. Although American adults’ Science for All is not outstanding, it ranked second out of thirty-three participating countries. Together with Northern Europe countries, American belongs to 前段班. For such results, Professor Miller who was in charge of the research gave all the credit to general education in American universities. Further more, about half of the high school graduates continue to study universities. On the contrary, Japan only has 20%.
至於台灣並不在上述 33 個國家之中,故此沒有正式的評比數字。我在網上找到一份國立高師大科教所的研究報告(注),以年滿二十歲的國人進行了類似的調查。該調查採用了 NSF 使用的題目,但結果只列出每一題答對的比例,並沒有列出個人成績,因此未能看出有多少比例的國人,稱得上具有科學素養。
Taiwan was not listed included in above 33 countries, so official statistics are not available. I have found a research report on-line by 國立高師大科教所. They conducted a similar research at people who are 20 years old or above, and was using same questions as NSF. However, the report only showed the ratio of each questions. Individual results are not listed, so the percentage of science literated citizens could not be told.
再者,該調查的規模不大,有效回收問卷只有 162 份;如再以性別區分,數目更少,代表性嫌不足。還有,將近 60% 的受試者受過大專教育,也超過內政部公佈的全國數字(~30%)。由於教育程度與答題正確的百分比之間,具有顯著相關(性別則無),因此這份調查結果只能當作參考,不可盡信。
Also, the research is not grand. 有效回收問卷 are only one hundred and sixty-two sets. Less if it is gender classified. The result could not represent much. Not only that, nearly 60% participants received professional-school education, which is above national statistics (~30%) published by the Ministry of the Interior. Due to direct relationship between the percentage of correct answers and education level (but not gender), the result is for reference only, not for fact.
與美國成人的結果相比,國人只有在「抗生素可以殺死病毒和細菌」一題的答對率,明顯為低(32% vs. 54%),其餘不是相差無幾,就是顯著為高。其中尤以「今日的人類,是從早先某些動物物種發展而來」一題差別最大(85% vs. 44%, ),顯示美國人受信仰的影響仍深。至於「宇宙的起源是一場大爆炸」一題,美國人的答對率仍因信仰因素而偏低(34%),但國人的 43% 也算不上好,不是學校沒有教,就是因其他因素而選擇不信。
Comparing the results with American adults, Taiwanese’s ratio of correct answer was only obviously lower (32% v.s. 54%) on “Antibiotics could kill both bacteria and virus.” The rests were about the same or higher, especially for the question “Human being is evolved from certain earlier species” (85% vs. 44%) which showed religious belief still affect Americans deeply. For “the universe origins in a big bang”, American’s ratio of correct answer (34%) is slightly lower due to the religion issue. However, Taiwanese who scored 43% are not much better, either because the school didn’t teach or they chose no for other reasons.
至於海峽對岸,中國科學技術協會於 2008 年 11 月公佈了 2007 年的最新調查資料(有效問卷為 10059 份,年齡從 18 到 69 歲);中國人裡具有科學素養的比例,從 2003 年的 1.98%,上升到 2007 年的 2.25%。這個平均數字,可是低得驚人,連美國的十分之一都不到,實在有損大國顏面(至少他們面對事實,未予掩飾)。可想而知,目前中國大陸對於科學普及的工作,可說是不遺餘力,從上到下,都當成一項運動來推行。
Across the Straits, 中國科學技術協會 published the latest 2007 research at November, 2008 (10,059 effective surveys, ranged from Age 18 to 69). The ratio of science literacy among Chinese rose from 1.98% at 2003
to 2.25% at 2007. The average figure is surprising low. It’s not even one tenth of America, which beigns shame to the country (At least they face the facts, not cover them). 可想而知, Mainland China is presently popularize science with all it might. It is treated as a sport from top down.
Commonly speaking Science for All directly related to a country’s economic development, educational level, and living standard. However, it isn’t equal to a nation’s technology standard, or its strength. Plenty countries in the world “want nukes, not trunks”. Other than that, I believe quite a few people would claim that they have no idea about electron, neutron, continental drifting, origin of universe, or evolution, but they are still alive and sound. What does science have to do with them?
For such question, people who are pro-science could explain the benefits. However, I’ll leave it for next time.
2009年3月4日 星期三
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